Another pic from my recent raya visit in Miri.. Its a cage.. duhh!!.. there's actually a bird inside it. Didn't bother to take a look inside it.. its almost midday and its hot so i just snapped around hoping to catch a good one. took this pic right before the host called me for a drink and right before we went off to another house..
i didn't feel right about the photo, so change it to b&w. after awhile i thought it'll look more dramatic in sepia.. tried borders on it.. a vintage one. but doesn't fit with the subject. so i decide a simple border will do to enhance the pic.
and again... i'm open to comments and ideas..
Bro i like ur idea of changing it into sepia. It looks better rather than black and white.
Some how it gives me the feeling of the middle east...i dont knw why. but its good.
I like this one because it's my sangkar kumar..
Sangkar burung?
Sangkar ayam?
Sangkar Maut?
Sangkar apa ne bro?
I'm wondering...
Mesti kepisan ne binatang2 mun masuk ini sangkar..
Goyang2-goyang pun prak..prak.plum...roboh..
Sending the animals to its death..